Monday, March 8, 2010

Don't forget to.........

Hey everyone,
just wanted to stop by & thank all those who have been here, commented & or downloaded some goodies! You guys have been making my day! This is a dream I have had for awhile now & I'm so happy to finally be here sharing with all of you & even more reading all the nice comments I have gotten recently!♡
I have BIG plans for Twelve by Twelve Designs & with time I hope I can make this a place where people come for inspiration, fun, freebies, & some good ol sharing!
Don't forget to become a fan by following me & tell everyone about 12 x 12!!!
ok, with that said, if your wondering when I'll be giving my next freebie, I'm not sure.....but it will be within the next couple of weeks!!! So, keep your eyes peeled!!! I Hope you all had a fab weekend & I'll be back with something soon! Thanks again for stopping by!


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